This release adds Geolocation blocking at the SMTP level. While Mailborder already has Geolocation Policies to quarantine email from certain countries, the email has to be accepted first and then evaluated and quarantined. Blocking at the SMTP level prevents the email from ever being accepted thus reducing the load on the server. See [ Transport > Mail Transport Settings > Enable Geoblock ]
- SMTP level GeoBlock option in Mail Transport Settings.
- Old configuration files are now moved to and saved in /etc/mailborder/conf.d/backups/
- Added option to disable SMTP authentication if not in use under Mail Transport Settings. This will override smtpd_sasal_auth_enable if present in /etc/mailborder/conf.d/postfix-main.cf.
- Updated the Unbound DNS server to ignore IPv6 requests. To enable it again, edit /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/mailborder.conf and remove the do-ip6: no option.
- Added a description field to all Mail Transport Settings lists. This includes Rate Limit Exceptions, MTA Whitelist, and MTA Blacklist.
- Minor UI fixes.
Getting the Most out of DNS
The caching DNS server that comes with Mailborder will provide improved performance results, but you must configure your server to use it. The following will set your primary DNS server to the one running on Mailborder with secondary public DNS servers.
Edit the file: /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
Under the [Resolve] section, make the following changes:
DNS= Save the file and run this command:
sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved
Next, edit the file in the /etc/netplan/ directory. The name can vary, but it is usually something like 50-cloud-init.yaml.
In that file, find the nameserver section and set as the first DNS server. Run this command to apply the settings:
netplan try
How to Upgrade Mailborder
Run the following commands as the root user:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
OS Upgrade Support
We offer support for OS upgrades. If you have an annual support contract, this support is included without charge. If you do not have a support contract, we will perform a scheduled upgrade for you remotely for a discounted rate of $159. This service is highly recommended even if you are adept with Linux.
Contact: https://www.mailborder.com/contact
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
The end of (free) support for Ubuntu 24.04 is in April 2029.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
The end of (free) support for Ubuntu 22.04 is in April 2027.
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
The end of (free) support for Ubuntu 20.04 is in April 2025.
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Support for Ubuntu 18.04 ended in April 2023.
If you have not upgraded to at least Ubuntu 22.04 (as of this writing in Jan 2025), we suggest that you do so. However, we do recommend that you contact Mailborder support prior to doing the upgrade. It is not straight forward and requires manually correcting several modules. We highly recommend the support option for upgrades.
26 January 2025