Show privacy policy

Privacy Notice and Account Requirements

  • Mailborder Systems is GDPR compliant.
  • You are not required to create an account to request information regarding our products and services. You may make these requests using our contact form.
  • You are required to create an account to receive quotes, invoices, or to purchase our products and services.
  • You must use your real name. It is not publicly viewable.
  • Do not use confusing display names such as “support” or “admin” or anything that could cause your account to be mistaken as an official representative of Mailborder Systems. Any such account will be deleted.
  • Your display name is publicly viewable when posting in forums or making public comments.
  • You must confirm your email address before your account is active.
  • Your first public post will not be displayed until approved. Once approved you will be able to post without review.
  • We aggressively monitor for bogus accounts and spam.
  • Personal information will not be used by Mailborder Systems, nor will it be provided to any third party, for the purpose of external advertising or tracking.
  • You may delete your account and all accompanying personal data at any time unless we are legally required by law or court order to retain the data.
  • Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy can be viewed in detail using the links below. Registering or using an account provided by Mailborder Systems implies consent to these terms and policies. Violation of these terms or policies will result in immediate account termination without warning.